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Regular School Hours

7:35 AM to 2:30 PM

Main Middle School Contact Numbers
Phone - 937-692-5174 option 5
Fax - 937-692-8865

2011 Trojan Avenue
Arcanum, OH 45304

Principal - Jason Vince -

Secretary - Lisa Parker -

Guidance Counselor - Ashley Matheson -

Upcoming Events

Purple Star Schools

purple star logo

Congratulations to Arcanum Elementary, Butler Middle School, and Arcanum High School for the recent designation of "Purple Star Schools".  The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.

Safe Schools Ohio

Safe School Hotline Flyer

The Safer Ohio School Tip Line is a free safety resource available to all Ohio schools. The tip line is an anonymous reporting system that accepts both calls and texts 24 hours-a-day.

This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety — whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.

Things to report to the tip line include (but are not limited to):

  • Bullying incidents;
  • Withdrawn student behaviors;
  • Verbal or written threats observed toward students, faculty or schools;
  • Hazing;
  • Weapon/suspicious devices on or near school grounds;
  • Gang related activities;
  • Unusual/suspicious behavior of students or staff;
  • Self-harm or suicidal sentiments; and
  • Any other school safety-related concerns.